Welcome to my humble abode. Let me give you the tour. Please keep all arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. If you look to your left you'll see the background of how this all began. I've had my ups and downs with weight for most of my life. I was actually a pretty thin child. Around the age of 11 is when I started putting on some weight. Once I started gaining weight, it was hard to stop. I never reached the point of Gilbert Grape's mother or anything but let's just say I have not been in peak physical condition or really, any physical condition for some time. In college I saw the light and did the Atkins challenge. I lost about 60 pounds but as I think most people realized the Atkins diet was only the answer for people who completely and utterly hated carbohydrates. Therefore, I gained all my weight back and more within months.
This past summer I was possibly the heaviest I'd ever been. I realized it was time for a change and started losing weight, but again, not the healthy way. I stopped eating more than one meal a day. This time I lost a little over 40 pounds and I've kept most of it off, but I want to lose more.
Now, if you look to your right, you'll see how this whole thing got started. Sometimes you wake up and you realize something needs to change. Not that, I should switch to Cheerios from Wheaties type of change. Something that would actually make a difference in my life type of change. I decided I want to keep the 40 pounds off and continue to lose more weight in a positive and healthy way.
I've spend some time walking lately and as I was walking this afternoon, a lightbulb went off in my head. I needed a goal, something that was attainable and not a long distance goal. I wanted to be able to set an end date and be able to keep myself accountable. Then it all came together. I was going to run a half marathon. I would find an appropriate half marathon that would give me an appropriate amount of time to train, yet I'd be able to see an end date.
The Rock 'n' Roll half marathon (http://philadelphia.competitor.com/register/) will be that challenge. The date is September 18, 2011 a little over 6 months from today. With hard work and discipline this goal is very attainable.
Now, why start a blog say you?! This blog is to help keep me stay accountable. I plan on updating this blog a couple of days a week with my progress and my learnings. I'm eager to hear ideas of how other people have accomplished this task, so please feel free to send over your suggestions!
Thanks for coming on this ride with me and I look forward to September 18th when I accomplish this goal. Remember to stay seated until the ride comes to a complete stop!!
Now, why start a blog say you?! This blog is to help keep me stay accountable. I plan on updating this blog a couple of days a week with my progress and my learnings. I'm eager to hear ideas of how other people have accomplished this task, so please feel free to send over your suggestions!
Thanks for coming on this ride with me and I look forward to September 18th when I accomplish this goal. Remember to stay seated until the ride comes to a complete stop!!